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Represents the FOR operation in AQL, used to loop over sets of documents in a collection or the results of a subquery. The class:

Takes parameters like collection or variable and in which specify what to loop over. Contains an optional LoopOptions parameter that can be used to specify loop-related options.


Represents the FILTER operation in AQL, used to filter the results of a query based on a condition.


Represents the SORT operation in AQL, used to sort the results of a query.

The class can handle multiple sorts, specified as a list. Each item in the list can be:

  • FieldExpression
  • tuple consisting of a field and sort direction. ("field", SortDirection.ASC)


Represents the INSERT operation in AQL. This operation is used to insert a document into a collection.

It requires a doc parameter (the document to insert) and a collection parameter (the target collection). The document can be provided as a dictionary, which is then converted to an ObjectExpression.


Represents the REMOVE operation in AQL, which is used to remove a document from a collection.

The class sets:

  • expression: Union[str, dict, LiteralExpression, FieldExpression, VariableExpression, ObjectExpression],
  • collection: Union[str, CollectionExpression]
  • options: Optional[RemoveOptions].



  • BaseChangeOperation

Represents the UPDATE operation in AQL.

The parameters can be provided as dictionaries or ObjectExpression The class sets:

  • key: str or LiteralExpression
  • obj: dict or ObjectExpression
  • collection : str or CollectionExpression
  • options: an optional UpdateOptions parameter that can be used to specify update-related options.



  • BaseChangeOperation

The class sets:

  • key: str or LiteralExpression
  • obj: dict or ObjectExpression
  • collection : str or CollectionExpression
  • options: an optional ReplaceOptions parameter that can be used to specify update-related options.

Represents the REPLACE operation in AQL The initialization parameters are the same as BaseChangeOperation.


Represents the UPSERT operation in AQL. This operation is used to insert a document if it doesn't exist or update/replace it if it does.

the class sets:

  • filter_: the condition to match
  • collection: the target collection
  • insert: the document to insert if no match is found and either
  • update: the data to update if a match is found
  • replace: the document to replace if a match is found
  • options: an optional UpsertOptions parameter that can be used to specify upsert-related options.


Represents the LET operation in AQL, which allows for the assignment of a value to a variable within a query.


Represents the RETURN operation in AQL.

Takes a return_expr parameter that specifies what to return. It can be a:

  • collection
  • list
  • dictionary The distinct parameter allows for returning distinct values.


Represents the LIMIT operation in AQL, used to limit the number of results returned by a query.

Takes parameters like limit and offset to specify the number of results and the starting point.


Represents the COLLECT operation in AQL, which is used to group/aggregate results.

The class is initialized with various parameters, including:

  • collect: Specifies the criteria for grouping results.
  • aggregate: Specifies aggregate calculations to be performed on grouped results.
  • into: Specifies the variable into which the grouped results are collected.
  • keep: Specifies which variables to keep after the COLLECT operation.
  • with_count_into: Specifies a variable that will store the number of grouped results.
  • options: an optional CollectOptions parameter that can be used to specify upsert-related options.

The compile method translates the COLLECT operation into its AQL representation, incorporating the grouping criteria, aggregation calculations, and other parameters.


Represents the graph traversal operation in AQL.


An enumeration representing the traversal direction options in AQL graph queries. The options include:

  • ANY

Abstract Operations


This is an abstract base class representing a generic AQL operation. The class:

Contains a query_ref attribute which refers to the broader query that the operation is a part of. Provides an abstract compile method that subclasses need to implement to translate the operation into its AQL representation.


This is an abstract base class that provides common functionality for operations that change data in collections (e.g., UPDATE, REPLACE).

Not Implemented Yet


Represents the WINDOW operation in AQL, which is used for windowed calculations on results.


Represents the WITH operation in AQL.